TEL: 1300 117 118 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Dockside Group | Managers Report Name Of FunctionEvent IDDate of EventVenue + RoomEvent ManagerFunction ManagerFinal Numbers as per Event SheetActual Number of AttendeesClient Arrival Time Were The Timings Confirmed Between Venue Manager And Client?Were there any changes to the Floor Plan on the day of event by the Client? If so what?Guests Arrival TimeWere There Any Items Delivered For This Event If So Were There Any Issues With Delivery Or ItemsPlease list any left-over items here:Were All Meals Served On TimeWhat Time Did The Bar Close? What Time Did The Guests Leave?What Time Did The Client Leave?How many Security Guards were at the event?Confirm you have inspected the venue and bathrooms (incl green rooms) before and after the event to confirm any damages during the eventYes i haveWas there any damage to the venue or the rooms? *YesNo(If yes, please specify and make sure you also complete the maintenance request form with photos. * Additional Comments eg AV Equipment Lighting And Overall FeedbackSubmit